Wednesday, December 7, 2011

We have arrived!

Namaste Everyone

We are here and we are in full form. The 11 hour flight from Christchurch to Singapore and then the quick change-over for the 5 hour flight to New Delhi, is now, after a full day's excursion beginning to take its toll.

We woke to the sounds of dogs barking, tuktuks beeping and the general hussle and bussle of the Delhi lifestyle.

We walked into the main Bazaar bursting with busy street life and Marty took us to our first group breakfast. Strangely enough the most popular choice was the "American Breakfast" Most of us are being extremely careful not to be too adventurous - just in case!

After breakfast everyone experienced the tuktuk rides to St Colombus school where Brother Lenny Lobo, the principal was waiting for us. This is a Catholic boys college and we were taken to a classroom where a group of their senior boys talked of their education experiences while our boys listened with keen intent. Wow, the students at St Colombus' were most inspiring and they have an acute sense of the value of education. Very articulate and extremely focused. Our boys were given a tour around the school and then treated to lunch and a bottle of coke. Brother Lenny was most accommodating and kind. He orgainsed our taxis to our next destination.

The New Zealand High Commission was great. The staff were very welcoming and we were treated to a "high tea" of - wait for it... cucumber sandwiches and cake - What a splendid afternoon it was sitting in the safety and good company of the New Zealand High Commission ambassadors.The boys performed the haka twice today and both performances were superb. Both the students at St Colombus' and the NZ high Commission staff were impressed.

We have all purchased and replenished our water bottles and (made sure the seals were safe) and have not long returned from a fabulous dinner which we had in a restaurant on the roof-top not far from where we are staying.
Some of us have dared to take a risk and have eaten spicy food, including the odd chicken dish. We will wait and see what eventuates.

Tonight at dinner some of our boys were dressed in their new attire - colourful Indian pants and tops - many of the students wandered around the bazaar and markets before dinner and already they are gaining the art of bartering.

The reflection group sessions this evening revealed some interesting feedback which included some of the following comments: - "I can't get over the noise, its constant! I love this place, the tuktuks are sooooo cool, I really enjoyed visiting St Colombus school and the Sacred Heart church, I really like the atmosphere, The Indian people are so helpful, there are so many things to check up on, like the water bottle, the hand sanitizer, and the passport being on and inside your shirt". And this is only day one. By the look of a few of the faces tonight; jetlag looks like it has kicked in. Tomorrow we are off to Sewa Ashram - a rehabilitation compound for the very needy. We will leave after breakfast and this will be another interesting day.

Prue you are right - all senses have well and truly been activated and this is just the beginning. We are blessed with another superb group of students who have opened their minds and their hearts to their new immersion journey.

Please excuse the errors I am finding it difficult to concentrate - a combination of jetlag and lots of noise and activity in this internet room.

Will keep you posted.



  1. Fantastic to hear you are all safe and sound, it sounds amazing. Thanks for the interesting update, don't forget the girls though.

  2. Hi Everyone
    Thanks so much for the post Bernie - its such a treat to read - yeah you are all there safe and enjoying Delhi! Love Jan

  3. Hi to All

    Loved reading of your first day in India. Keen to hear of all your experiences. Love to all. Take Care - Sandra Olsen (St Kevin's)

  4. Wow I so enjoyed reading about your trip so far I was imagining what you were talking about. A fabulous experience for everyone.
    Can imagine everyone being tired now excitement would have got you all through the first day.
    I look forward to the next update.

  5. Thank you Bernie for your very informative account of your first day and so awesome to hear you have all arrived safely. I can only imagine what you are all experiencing. Thinking of you all and can't wait for the next post.

  6. Bernie, thank you so much for the update, happy to see you are all safe and well. What an amazing journey both the boys and girls are all on. We can only imagine how tired you must all be following the travel and the explosion of noise and aromas to the senses. Give our girls a hug from us! xoxox Megan

  7. Great to hear that you survived the trip - no surprises that there were a few weary bodies on arrival. The experiences and emotions after even less than 24 hours in New Delhi seem amazing already and a great introduction to the next 5 weeks.

    Julie & Mike

  8. Today was Sewa Ashram. A home for the disabled and destitute. A humbling experience to be in the presence of those who have so little, so little in fact, that they do not even have good health to keep their spirits high. Yet they had the grace to provide us with lunch

    The 90min bus ride there was also an experience in itself. It gave us a chance to see the other side of Delhi, not just the bazaar (and bizare!) we were used to. We got to see the streets with buildings and not slums, the highways that are four abreadth each way, and the country-side, that is left untouched. However we still cannot escape the pollution. That remains a constant within Delhi - and probably India for that matter.

    Have to fly, relfection group meeting soon. Chance to share our thoughts and experiences.


  9. Thank you Bernie. A great start to an amazing trip. Keep safe.
