Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sam's take on it.

Hello family and friends
By now we are starting to approach our final days in India. Goa has been great we have all been chilling out and soaking up plenty of sun as well as swimming. Today we went sight-seeing around Old Goa. It was very interesting in that part of Goa. We visited an old house and museum, which was in memory of a man called Big Foot and for lunch we went to a Spice farm. There were so many different types of spices there. They also had elephants there. Some of our group went riding. They hasd a great time.
Tomorrow is our last day in Goa so we decided to have just a lazy, blob out day. Some of us are going to Colva beach again, and others are packing and doing other things, then in the evening we will have some dinner then make our way to the train station for our last train trip back to Mumbai.
When we get to Mumbai there will only be three days left for us here in India. It is sad and exciting but we'll make it through. This will also be my first and last blog from India. The next time you will hear from me will be when I arrive back home in New Zealand.
Sam Prebble

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