Friday, December 18, 2009

The Mother Teresa Homes

Today was the first day of our voluntary work in Calcutta. Everyone went to a variety of homes and from the feedback everyone seemed to enjoy it.
Everyone had so many interesting things to report back on, differing from massive bedsores, violent toddlers and the condition that some of the patients were in. I think this was a real eye opener for some of us travellers, we all realised how insignificant some of our "injuries" are at home. All of the Sister's and other volunteers are really nice people and I feel now seeing what they do. Alot of us have much more respect for what they do now than before. What made the volunteers helpful was the fact they help us to fit into some of the roles that needed to be filled.
Also today a group of students went to the Mother House to participate in the Christmas play that the Sister's are putting on. Practises will probably be after work each day until the performance on Christmas day. It was good to be able to share all our reflections at the end of the day as a group.
At this point everyone is feeling fine and there are no major medical problems within the group.
Ben Welsh STC

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