Saturday, November 7, 2009

Final fundraiser for India

Our hypnotist night will be held on Thursday 26th of November, 7pm, at the Hornby Workingmans Club. This should be a fun night filled, I'm sure with all sorts of laughable behaviours. Tickets are only $10 To obtain a ticket get in touch with any the students from the Ch Ch region who are travelling to India. In anticipation, thanks for supporting our last fundraiser. Hope to see lots of you there :-)


  1. Hello
    Hope everyone is getting underway with packing and all is going well. Not long now.
    Fellow traveller

  2. I had better get this blogging under control before you all leave!

  3. Save me five tickets for the hypnotist night. Trudy

  4. I'm getting used to eating rice plus trying to increase the veges & decrease my meat intake. Not normal for a Kiwi bloke.

  5. Did a test run to see if everything fits in my pack. I even have space left over! Roll on the 8th Dec.

  6. Have a good trip Dale Smith

  7. Wow. Just over a week to go. Soooooooo excited. Hey everyone; don't forget a pack of cards and a book and the like to keep yourself entertained on the long train journies. By the way - thanks everyone for your hard work in selling the tickets to the hypnotist night, Great effort. Well done :-)
