Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Liturgy before we leave

Namaste Everyone

The Liturgy will be held in the school staffroom at 5.30 pm. This will be our last formal gathering before our departure.

I hope you are all becoming familiar with this blogsite. You will be able to log in and follow our journey.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

We'll be in the sky flying high soon

Namaste Everyone

Hope the packing is going well - take care not to leave everything to the last minute! Hand sanitizer is cheap at 'Payless Plastics' in Sydneham. Don't forget to check out Marty's emails for any information you may have missed.

looking forward to catching up with everyone at the Liturgy.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Departure time is fast approaching

Namaste Everyone

Our departure to India will be here sooner than we think. I hope you are all checking off 'to do things' on your lists.

I was at Farmer's sale in Orbell street recently and came by a few bits n bobs I thought would be useful as I pack - one of which was some pressure socks for travelling - good for circulation and supposedly keeps DVT in check. On my last trip I spent the first week in India walking around with fat ankles - so I am hoping these travel socks do the trick this time.

The Fashion Evening fundraiser went well and we had a good number attend - A fun and engaging night. It is always pleasing to be able to tick off successful events.

The raffle will be drawn next week and this pretty much marks the end of our fundraising initiatives.

Thanks again to all those who have participated one way or another in fundraising - Well done.

All the best with last minute packing and preparation and remember - if in doubt - shout.
