Saturday, June 25, 2011

2011 India Trip

Namaste Everyone

It was great to see the Canterbury group at the meeting this afternoon. From now on our meetings will give us important information for our India trip. Listening to Marty go over some of the items we need to take in our backpacks has brought home instant reminders of our last trip and I am suddenly excited about the whole India experience again.
What a great turn out and there's definately a positive vibe towards fundraising.
We'll be getting the raffle underway and we have decided to have the hypnotist night again later in the year.

We have a healthy number of parents who have volunteered to come on the fundraising committee and I envisage our first meeting getting underway early next week. So it looks favourable that another 'Fashion Night' might be on the cards and possibly a quiz night. This of course is completely open to debate and all ideas will be encouraged. The enthusiasim of our group is inspiring. It's always refreshing to feel such optimism and I'm looking forward to working within this team towards a positive outcome.

Please use this space to comment and engage in dialogue. It will be good to get some comments going.

Bernie Lee